Healthy Smart Mart™
Healthy Smart Mart™
- Micro-Markets are BOOMING throughout the USA!
- Expansion opportunity is STAGGERING!

Are You a Business That Would Like to Have a Micro Market On-Site?
Upgrade your break room to a micro market and watch customer satisfaction and employee productivity soar! The best part, there is no cost for you!
TRUE ground-floor opportunity
Up to 300% Return on Investment!

Up To 300%
ROI - Fully Automated*

Gross Sales $144,000
Per Investment Unit*

Profit Margin*

Earnings (EBITDA) $70,000
Per Investment Unit*

USA Locations 2,000,000
Territories Available*
* Figures are approximate. Your results may differ. Contact us for details.
Micro Markets Overview
Micro markets are unattended "serve yourself" retail environments that enable employers to offer a variety of fresh and healthy food options to their employees. The consumers can review products both on shelves and in open coolers which allows them to pick products up, review nutritional information, and feel comfortable with what they choose before they make a purchase.
Healthy Smart Mart™ micro market consumers use a proprietary cashless app-based payment system on their phones to make purchases as they shop without having to wait in any lines.
There are currently over 23,600 micro markets in the US, and they are located almost entirely in businesses with over 500 employees. Healthy Smart Mart™ is the ONLY company we know of servicing the much larger number of locations with under 300 employees making this an untouched market with virtually no competition.
#1 Business Description
HIGH TECH & CASHLESS! Micro-Markets are BOOMING throughout the United States! Vending machines are DEAD! Expansion opportunity is STAGGERING! *This is the ONLY Micro-Market merchandising system available for break-rooms with under 300 employees.
'Micro-Markets' AND digital product sales are redefining the entire vending industry! PROFITS ARE AT AN ALL TIME HIGH! Earn TWO incomes: (1) Cashless sales with 60% or more profit and (2) Digital product sales with up to to 50% profit. We are the LEADERS in this business model!
Digital products 'exponentially' increase products offered with NO inventory cost and NO shipping cost. Some revenue streams are even 'residual' (ongoing).
#2 Cashless Payment System
Our USER-FRIENDLY "app-based" payment system means NO expensive kiosks required! More importantly, NO lines for customers to wait in means INCREASED SALES! Each user's smart phone is the POS (point of sale). Huge numbers of sales can all process instantaneously. YOU have access to all sales data in real time through your secure website portal. Quickly transfer funds to your bank account easily at any time via ACH.

#3 Competition
NONE we know of... NONE!
This is the ONLY Micro-Market merchandising system available for break rooms with under 300 employees. • Demand is STAGGERING! • Prime locations. • MUST SEE copy of our local Market Analysis.
Many configurations are available depending upon the needs of the break-room. Variables include number and style of shelf fixtures... number and size of glass-front front freezers... office coffee service, signage and graphics, etc.

#4 Growth and Expansion
- MASSIVE opportunity for expansion throughout the region and USA.
- Vending machines are DEAD in break-rooms!
- MUST SEE copy of our local Market Analysis.

#5 Support and Training
Full training and ongoing support provided by industry leaders through multi-media including manuals, videos, webinars, and live phone support. Optional face-to-face "on site" locating and training is also available.
Why Choose Micro Markets
BEST ratios and ROI you'll find!

LOW TIME commitment
This system requires your attention ONLY ONCE (sometimes twice) a week! Service time is brief. So go play and enjoy your life! OR outsource servicing and just be the manager / visionary!

DUAL-CONCEPT income stream
The HOTTEST "dual-concept" income stream ever developed for the industry... yields the HIGHEST profits of any program we've developed in our 47 years in business

Understand that VENDING IS DEAD… MICRO-MARKETS ARE TAKING OVER THE INDUSTRY! And THIS is the ONLY system we know of available for businesses with under 300 employees!

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What People are saying!
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