Enroll with Children's Cancer Society (7)

A charity affiliation is important in the operation of your micro-market as it increases cooperation and reduces shrinkage (theft and error). You’ll note that on the spreadsheet proposal, we have that cost listed as a monthly operating expense.

If you have some preferences regarding which charity to affiliate with please let me know and I’ll send you a list of charities approved to work with our Healthy Smart Mart™system. Otherwise, I recommend you consider affiliating with The National Children’s Cancer Society. They are very well received by the public and incredibly supportive of our route operators.

Please click the following link for information and to get enrolled:


Click on the section called “Full Line Vending.” On the enrollment form please note that your machines are “micro-markets” (not necessary to specify any more detail). Where asked who you purchased them from, please put Bill Way, Live Free LLC.

Please be sure to order an ID badge and a lanyard… at least 1 Certificate of Appreciation for each location (plus a couple of extras)… and whatever else you feel you want. Their price for certificates is pretty good even when compared to the cost of color photocopies, about $7.50 for 10 (.75¢ each) on high-quality paper, and it benefits the Society. You might call Shirley and ask for a price discount if you’re ordering more than 50 copies. Some route operators photocopy the certificates if they run out but I’m sure the Society would prefer you order from them if possible. Regardless, duplication of the "market stickers" is prohibited, as is unauthorized use of their logo.

Their large sticker looks great and fits nicely on the glass-front cooler or can also go on the market sign… one per location.

Look closely at the Certificate of Appreciation… I think you’ll see why presenting each business with such a nice Certificate helps to cement the relationship (and the location) for the long term!

If you can find some 8” x 10" frames at a good price then it’s great to give it to them framed and hang it on the wall for them upon delivering the market. Check your local dollar store as we’ve found they often have them in stock. You might also pick them up at Amazon.com, OverStock.com, or any number of other online sources. The frame is a good choice but completely optional. You might experiment with that and see how you feel about it later.

Shirley Pye manages the vending outreach program. She’s very familiar with our operations and we’ve worked together for many years. You’ll find her to be very supportive and helpful if you have any questions. Her direct number is listed on the website.

After receiving and reviewing, please let me know if you have any questions.

Text: (970) 222-8582

Call: (970) 222-8582

Email: Support@Livefree.com